Professional information


Technical University of Munich

Job title

Assistant Professor & Max Planck Research Group Leader

Based in



English, French, German

Daylight interests

Working on daylight in relation to

Why daylight matters in my work

Daylight and its variation is a natural stimulus to human vision and the circadian system. As a consequence, understanding how daylight varies and how it impacts human physiology and behaviour is critical.

Daylight Academy projects I worked on

The role of daylight for humans, Summer School “Measuring Light and Illumination” (2022), Summer School "Measuring light and illumination" (2024), Can daylight protect children from myopia?, ENLIGHT-Field: Field research extension of the ENLIGHT Checklist and Guidelines for daylight, electric and mixed field research

Good to know about me

I could also have worked as

I would probably be a lighting engineer.


Main discipline


Other disciplines

Architecture, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Psychology

Fields of expertise

Chronobiology, Circadian Neuroscience, Photobiology, Vision Science